MW GM Bro. Kassy Parker
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, International
Manus Multae Cor Unum - Many Hands One Heart
Our Meetings
Craft Lodges
Lodge Wilmshurst No.6
Lodge Atoum No.8
Lodge Hermetica No.9
Supreme Grand Chapter
Cana Holy Royal Arch Chapter No.4
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons
Zaradatha Mark Master Masons Lodge No.5
Ancient & Accepted Rite working under the Supreme Council 33rd degree
Rose and Flame Rose Croix Chapter 18th Degree No.3
Most of the Lodges and Additional Degrees meet at the beautifully furnished Southgate Masonic Hall on the High Street. With Rituals varying from Emulation to Wilmshurst to Leadbeater, they are many and varied added to by many of the further Degrees. A shared buffet is the norm for the Social Board.
The True Order of the Rosy Cross
Sanctus Spiritus TORCÂ College No.1
Grand Council of the Order of Royal & Select Masters
Blazing Star Royal & Select Council No.3
Order of Eri
Chivalric Oders working under the Great Priory
Deo Favente Knight Templar Preceptory No.4
Vade Mecum Knight Templar Priory No.3
Londinium St Thomas of Acon Chapel No.3
Floreat Knight Beneficent of the Holy City Prefecture No.3
Defensor Fides Knight Templar Priests Tabernacle No.3