MW GM Bro. Kassy Parker
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, International
Manus Multae Cor Unum - Many Hands One Heart
To Be Part of a Greater Good
Charity as the Cardinal virtue

The only reason why one should join Freemasonry is to become better morally, mentally, and spiritually. Through the continuous process, one can have drastic changes through diligent effort in learning the craft, and the philosophical allegories of the rituals. Not only that, there should be a conscious effort to understand these as an initiate of life. The first step to improving once character is to give part of one's self through acts of kindness or charity. This is the very reason why Charity is one of the very important cardinal virtues aside from Faith and Hope. It's through this commitment to become good that is the stepping stone of the initiation.
When the day that a candidate is being initiated and welcome. The candidate had already sworn an oath which is to be part of a greater good, an exemplary model of society. The Order aims to strive to become part of the greater good collectively. It's only helping others and making a difference in our society will we strive to become better as a result. It is through the fulfillment of His universal law, "do unto others what others might want to do unto you.", that we have a sense of purpose and be remembered with the right reason. Afterall this is what matters most in our life's journey.

Iliganon Lodge joint forced with 2nd Mechanized Infantry for an Outreach Program
The Iliganon Lodge No. 75 under the Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons headed by Worshipful Master Bro. Miguel Carreon joined force with the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade Headed by our own Assistant Grand Master Lt. Col. Bro Eugene Flores for an outreached program in partnership with other LGU's; 44IB, LGU Munai, and PAFCIPIC Cagayan at Barangay Liningding Munai, Lanao Del Norte last March 14, 2024. It was a very successful event one for the books. Iliganon Lodge is one of the newest lodges in Mindanao Inspectorate under the leadership of RW Bro. Richard Tan.
As members of the Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, it is always our cardinal obligation to help our least fortunate brothers and sisters as part our tenets of brotherly love and relief. This is what we swore an oath as fidelity to our Craft. Let us now if you want to be part our endeavor.