MW GM Bro. Kassy Parker
Grand Master
Grand Lodge of Modern Mixed Masons, International
Manus Multae Cor Unum - Many Hands One Heart
Flintshire / North Wales
Our Meetings
Craft Lodges
Lodge of Light No.1
Lodge of Rest No.13
Supreme Grand Chapter
Fiat Lux Holy Royal Arch Chapter No.1
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons
Keystone Mark Master Mason Lodge No.2
Grand Royal Ark Mariner Council
Cornerstone Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No.2
Brethren of North Wales meet mainly in the Oddfellows Hall at Saltney and in the beautiful seaside town of Llandudno. The former always share a buffet afterwards whilst the latter avail themselves of the many local hotels and restaurants.
Additional Degrees worked under the Grand Lodge
Adrian Peel Allied Masonic Degrees Council
Ancient & Accepted Rite working under the Supreme Council 33rd Degree
Sovereign Rose Croix Chapter 18th Degree No.2
Grand Imperial Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine
Agnus Trinity Red Cross of Constantine Conclave No.2
Grand Court of the Masonic Order of Athelstan
St. Werburgh Order of Athelstan Court No.1
Chilvaric Orders working under the Great Priory
Epiphany Knight Templar Preceptory No.1
St. Mary's Knight Malta Priory No.1
Circle of Light Knight Templar Priests Tabernacle No.1
Northern Rose Knight Beneficent of the Holy City Prefecture No.1
David Thompson Leigh St. Thomas of Acon Chapel No.1

MWBro Canon David Hughes
Grand Inspector of Flintshire & Grand Treasurer